Monday, November 19, 2012

Book Launch Thanks

I'm still feeling the warm glow of gratitude--a good state to be in as Thanksgiving approaches!

This Saturday, friends stopped by to help celebrate that the entire Sword of Lyric series is back in print, with extra material, and new devotions guides included in the back of each book. The work has been grueling for me -- in part because of the health challenges that made the project feel impossible each and every day of the last several years. That's why seeing the books stacked on the table was a visual reminder of God's generous and tender grace.

He did it!

The day was also special, because I was so touched that friends, family, and readers of the books, took time in a gorgeous weekend to stop by and visit. I soaked in the wonderful chance to catch up with people, hear what they are up to, and share joy (and relief) that this project is now completed.

I'm also feeling thankful as I think of the various friends who helped. Some spread the word, some brought treats, some brought friends, some prayed for me consistently these last few years. The people at the open house were a small representation of all the people whose love and support went into this work.

Here's one example. My friend Joyce created these fun "book cover chocolates":

She printed labels with book covers and wrapped those around small candy bars. One of the children who came said "Restorer's Journey" tasted the best. I haven't decided my favorite yet. Each book has a unique flavor. Hmm... guess I'll need to do more research on the leftovers. :-)

(I realize most of my readers don't live in my neighborhood, and can't drop by to have a book autographed. But I can still sign and personalize your book at Signed by the Author. Check it out! It's a super fun concept.)

Have you faced some long projects recently? Building a house, remodeling a kitchen, writing a novel, teaching a class, fighting an illness? Has God comforted and strengthened you in the midst of the work through the encouragement of friends?

He's so good that way.

Let's give thanks!
